miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

Travelling A2 .

ACTIVITY 1. Play with the vocabulary                                             
Click on the picture to play.

ACTIVITY 2. Listening                                                                 

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ACTIVITY 3 . practise with vocabulary.                                         

ACTIVITY 4. Listening A2. Travelling by train.                                
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ACTIVITY 5. Let's practice the Phrasal verbs                                   

 a. Summer break in the USA Click on the title to do the activity on line.

  1. Drop off -  to take someone to a place and leave them there
  2. Check in  - to register at a hotel
  3. Check out - to leave and pay for your stay at a hotel
  4. Pick up - to go and fetch someone from a place and take them somewhere else
  5. Set out - to start a journey
  6. Take off - when a plane leaves and begins to fly
  7. Get in - when a plane arrives on an airport
  8. Get away - to leave to go somewhere for a break or holiday
  9. Get on - to climb on board
  10. Speed up - to increase speed
  11. Look around - to explore what is near you, in your area
  12. Hurry up - to rush and not waste time
  13. Go back - to go the place someone is leaving from to say goodbye
  14. See off - to go the place someone is leaving from to say goodbye
  15. Look forward - to look forward to something that is going to happen in the future

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b.Now choose the correct phrasal verbs to complete the sentencesClick on the title to do the activity on line. 

  1. Speed up Increase speed
  2. Take off When the aircraft leaves the ground
  3. Get in The time a train, bus or plane arrives
  4. Turn back Return to where you came from
  5. Look around To explore
  6. Slow down Reduce speed
  7. Pick up To stop for something and take it to your destination
  8. Set off To start on a journey
  9. Get away To go on holiday especially because you need a rest
  10. Get off To leave a bus or a train
Lesson by Nasreen, teacher at EC Cape Town English school
  • 1. When I travel by plane, I always feel nervous before it ___.

  • 2. On our way to the station, Susan realised she had forgotten her purse, so we had to ___.

  • 3. We realised that we desperately needed to ___ because we had been working for three months non-stop.

  • 4. Do you know at which bus stop we need to ___?

  • 5. We decided to ___ on our adventure trip as early as possible.

  • 6. Would you please ___? We're going to be late!

  • 7. Could you tell me what time the train ___?

  • 8. I would like to ___ the old city tomorrow morning.

  • 9. Could you please ___ my bags on your way home?

  • 10. We asked the taxi driver to ___. He was driving so fast!

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