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Christmas activities

  Activity. Christmas , an interactive worksheet by AfricaRhiannon live worksheets.com Santa Claus is comin...

Food level A1-A2

Let's talk about food.


Please send me your answers: englishwithafri@gmail.com.

1. What do you usually eat during the day?Can you continue the story? change your breakfast if you want.😉

When I wake up and after getting dressed I usually have pancakes for breakfast....

2. Ask someone at home and tell me about him or her. Do not forget to tell me who is he or she.

3. Complete the chart. Then make questions about Anthony and about Julia. Finally, answer the questions.
Food and Drinks

Resultado de imaxes para listen emoji

5. Can you guess?

WHICH FOOD AM I? - vocabulary practice

6. Do the following activity.
Ordering food at a restaurant - Ordering a meal

7. Let's pracatice the READING. click on the picture.

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