Places in town A2

Around the city


Activity 1. Make a picture of  a town.  It must have 8 buidings or more. This is an example. Then, make a description:

This is my town. In my town there is a fire station, next to the fire station there is a library. Opposite the fire station, in Washington Street, there is a hairdresser's and opposite the library there is a restaurant...


Activity 2. Listening  A2 .Giving directions         

Resultado de imaxes para emoji listenDownload exercises here. by the British Council

Activity 3. Vocabulary. Choose the correct one.     
Places in a town - multiple

Activity 4. Listening.A2 Tour of London                

Download here

Activity 5. Let's practice the past                            

Past Simple exercises
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Activity 6. Reading. A2. A train timetable             

Activity 7. Listening. A2 Shall we go to the cinema?                                                               

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Download here. Activity prepared by the British Council

Activity 8  Can you guess?                                     

1. A place where you can buy stamps.
2. A place where you can go on rides and have fun
3. A place where you can catch a plane
4. A place where you can see ships and boats.
5.  A place where you can leave your money.
6. A place where you can find out information about beautiful and interesting places to visit

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